Friday, April 30, 2010
Road be Safety
Although motorcycle safety isn't a walk in the park, it isn't all that hard, either. Mostly, motorcycle safety depends on:
Proper Training and licensure
Proper Clothing
Proper maintenance and operation
Looking at each item, you can see the common-sense part of the picture. Think of it this way, all that separates you - the bike driver - from the roadway or other cars and trucks is either the clothing you are wearing or, if you use your head, the leathers you are wearing. That's it. You just can't get into an argument with a car or truck because you will inevitably lose, no matter how swiftly you think your bike reacts. (Physics still rules here and it still takes X amount of time before power hits the rear wheel, if you have a problem. As far as is known, there are no instant-on bikes.)
Most states - and nations, for that matter - require some sort of licensing to use any type of motored vehicle and a bike certainly falls in that category. In general, the items that are mandated are the minimum age at which you can apply for permission to drive a bike; the minimum number of training hours required before you can take your test (usually classroom and theory and actual over-the-road training), and finally some sort of test. This, and any follow-on training, is of key importance because it can mean the difference between you staying clear of an accident, rather than becoming the hood ornament of a semi.
Proper clothing is another key here. Through the years, we've seen bikers who think of roaring down various interstates dressed in shorts, sneakers, shirt and helmet. That's pretty thin stuff when you think that if you have to lay down your bike to avoid an accident, there's nothing between you and the road but a skimpy set of cloth clothes. In this situation, there's a lot to be said for the old "biker's uniform" of leather pants, heavy engineer's boots, heavy leather biker's jacket, gauntlets and helmet (a good Bell or similar helmet is the key to keeping your head on your shoulders without too much bell ringing if you go down). It's much better to have a layer of tough cowhide between you and the road, if you have to lay down your bike to avoid an accident as the hide will take one big beating before it will expose you to any danger.
Finally, proper maintenance and operation are keys to motorcycle safety. Imagine using an older chain-drive-style bike and forgetting to do proper maintenance on the chain, and then having the links that you should have fixed snap. Not only can this foul your rear wheel badly - to the point of actually halting it and sending you sideways - but it can also cause make engine or transmission damage, again not exactly safety motorcycling habits. Be sure, too, your brakes are operating correctly as is the electrical system. There's nothing worse than hitting your brakes and having the front freeze up, planting the bike by the front wheel and launching you over it. Proper operation goes along with this in that it pays to observe proper vehicle etiquette - don't go zooming from lane to lane because of your bike's incredibly nimbly power-to-weight ratio as this will cause huge amount of rage in drivers who may be stuck around you - and never travel in between lanes during a traffic jam because all it takes is a driver to suddenly open a door in front of you and you become an unidentified flying object.
If you follow these tips, you'll have a much safer time behind the handle bars of your bike.
Eddie has been riding for many years and takes safety very seriously. He considers motorcycle crash helmets to be one of the most important life savers. Check out his site at
Friday, April 9, 2010
More Spare Part
Harga : Rp.280.000,-
For : All Motorcycle
Call : 085714290804
Busi Racing Merk : NGK Daytona
Harga : Rp.180.000,-
Call : 085714290804
Shock Absorber Merk : YSS
For : All Motorcycle
Harga : Call
Velg Almu All Size Merk : Ride It
Harga : Rp.450.000,-
For : All Motorcycle
Pilot Jet & Main Jet Kit : VEEZUMI
Harga : Call
For : Semua Ukuran
Per Kopling Merk : Inspiro
Harga : Rp.120.000,-
For : Satria F 150
Karburator Merk : Keihin Pe 28 (Original)
Harga : Rp.600.000,-
For : All Motorcycle
Coil Racing Merk : Blue Thunder (Drag Version)
Harga : Rp.180.000,-
For : All Motorcycle
Call : 085714290804
Velg Ninja Tromol Ver Merk : PSM
Harga : Call
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Buat para bikers yang mempunyai keluhan dengan motornya yang semakin hari semakin bingung?? Kok Motornya begini2 aja ya??? Kami punya solusinya....
Ini khusus bagi pengguna satria f 150...yang hariannya sudah lumayan kenceng...wah jadi pede nich..bro...???Eiiit Tunggu dulu jangan senang dulu Bro...ntu nyang diatas Foto CDI standar Satria Asli Bawaaan pabrik...merknya denso...yang mempunyai Limiter atao bahasanya batesan(Segitu doang) kisaran 11000 rpm..
Dan ini pruduk terbaru bro Asli Bawaan negara Gajah putih atao Thailand asli manteb bro bin maknyus...Gampang lagi penggunaannya tinggal lansung colok (Plug&Play) langsung berubah drastis tuh sih Rpm... unlimited bro...kisaran 14000 s/d 16000 rpm...
Hemat bbm dan dijamin tuh satria ngacir bak peluru kendali...
Ntuh tes start awal bro langsung digeber dah dapet 9000 an rpm blom full...Asli broo bisa lewat tuh angka 13000 rpm klo di geber full...
Harga murah broo nggak ngeboongin Cuman Rp. 500.000,-
Ntu CDi Bro langka jarang ada nyang ngejual alias limited production bro..
Cepat kapan lagi....hub : Tony...085714290804